Eco Activities

Eco Congregation

Garden Update October 2021

Banner Cross Garden Update October 2021

The work in the vegetable garden is almost complete for the year. The potatoes and tomatoes have been harvested. The potatoes have been replaced by leeks. The currant and gooseberry bushes have been pruned, and the rhubarb will soon turn yellow and die off, as colder nights arrive. There is still Sage and Rosemary to pick for any keen cooks. These can be used fresh or dried. Linda and I used to make our own sage and onion stuffing at Christmas when we were much younger.

On departing from Room 3 after Bible Study this week, I noticed some purple fungi at the side of church between the two compost bins. I think these are Sordid Blewits (Wood Blewits are very similar in looks and habitat). Sordid Blewits habitats include woodland edges, compost heaps and roadside verges. I will let you know if I change my mind.

The next few months will be spent tidying up the wildlife garden.

Eco Activities

Garden Update August 2021

Eco Activities

May June 2021

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