Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he
breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live.
Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the East, and there he put the man
he had formed. He made all kinds of beautiful trees grow there and produce good
fruit. In the middle of the garden stood the tree that gives life and the tree that gives
knowledge of what is good and what is bad.
Genesis 2: 7-9
Good News Bible
Every part of this earth is sacred.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.
The air is precious;
for all of us share the same breath.
This we know, the earth does not belong to us:
we belong to the earth.
This we know, all things are connected;
like the blood which unites one family.
Our God is the same God,
whose compassion is equal for all.
For we did not weave the web of life:
we are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the web
we do to ourselves.
Adapted from a speech by Chief Seattle (1854)
Our Minister, Rev Philip Peacock
The Lectionary for the next three weeks click here
9th - 22nd September
Looking for an opportunity to support Fairtrade? There will be a Fairtrade Stall at our usual coffee morning on Saturday 14th from 10:30am to 12 and after worship on Sunday 15th September. Goods are being supplied from Good Taste our local Fairtrade shop on Whitham Road. Please bring cash to purchase any products. To find out more about the Fairtrade foundation follow the link: Fairtrade Fortnight - Fairtrade
There are lots of books on the shelves in the church building.
On the bookshelves at the back of the Coffee Lounge - on the right as you are looking at the back wall - are paperback books. These are mostly, but not exclusively, novels, and are for sale at a minimum donation of £1. The proceeds from donations go to our church charities. ‘New’ books appear on a regular basis so keep looking if you are a bookworm. There are also a few hardbacks on the bottom shelf.
There are also some ‘Christian’ books of all types which, I suggest, can be borrowed as well as bought. These can be found on the bookshelves on the left.
In Room 5, there are also bookshelves full of ‘Christian’ books which you can borrow. Ask a member of the Leadership Team, or me, if you would like to look at these.
Thank you to those who have donated books. I hope you will browse the shelves and purchase a book or two. Happy reading!
Holy Habits
Link to Holy Habits previous articles
We have agreed to support Magdelene over the next 4 years whilst she attends the University of Makeni.
Letter from Magdalene Sept 2021
Update from Magdalene September 2022
Update from Magdalene September2023
Link to current Rota scroll to end
The Noticeboard in the Coffee Lounge
Information is pinned onto the noticeboard in the Coffee Lounge. You will find the
- Notices, including Services and ‘Save the Dates’ - prepared fortnightly. Plus,
wallet of copies to be taken.
- rotas for Welcome and Worship – to amend by hand when appropriate
- current Banner Cross Preaching Plan plus wallet of copies to be taken.
- Eco-Gardens information
- a large poster about our Community Coffee Mornings on Mondays
- Saturday Coffee Morning rota
- Info about and from Magdalene
- Wi-fi information
Near the bookshelves, there are also leaflets and so on from other churches in
the Circuit.
Eco Garden Group
Link to Eco Garden Summer Update
Link to previous Wild Garden Updates
The Worship Cloud
Dear Reader,
We are asking for News of our Church Family, and others known to us. Please get in touch with Tim Wilson or Alison Russell if you have any news to share, but always get permission from those involved for the news to go onto the church website and to be distributed to those who are not online.
All poetry previously displayed on this page is available to view via the link below
United Reform Church have produced some excellent guides including Zoom Meetings
Link to forthcoming Eco Church events
For news & articles from the wider circuit
As many of you are aware, Ben’s Centre is a small local charity serving vulnerable people who have issues with drink and may be sleeping rough. The Centre offers food and a safe environment where people can shower, obtain clothes and get advice according to their needs.
Ben’s is always short of men’s socks, underwear, scarves, hats, gloves, not forgetting the essential supplies of coffee, tea, and sugar. So, for the price of a new pack of socks and underwear, or a donation of any unwanted warm clothing, you could really make a difference especially as the colder weather approaches.
If you require any more information, please speak to Richard/Kathryn Warren or Alan Brailey.
Your donated clothing or food items may be placed in the collection bin which may be found outside
Room no 1.
Thank you
Sue Cox
The Archer Project is in need of a continuing supply of Pot Noodles, tinned fish or fruit with ring pulls and breakfast cereals. Don’t forget to support the Food Bank with an extra item when you do your shopping. Please donate unwanted clean clothing/shoes/blankets/sleeping bags to Ben’s Centre via Alan Brailey.
Thank you for your continued support to all these charities.