
Eco Garden Meeting. Thursday 24th February.



  Tim, who chaired the meeting, Andrew, Stewart, Yvonne, Gen ,Sean, Ann and Chris.

Apologies from Margaret and Paula.

Today's discussion centred around the planting and maintenance of the Vegetable Garden, the proposed rewilding of the church grounds and the maintenance of the whole area. Ways of reducing the cost of maintenance, at present £108 per month for the cutting of grass in summer months, were considered.

The group is mindful of the wedding which is to take place this summer and so a tidy and cared for look must be maintained.

Thanks were given to Andrew for all the work he has done in the front borders and to Mandy for watering the garden last year. Discussion about the screening of the gas meter, nesting boxes and water features took place.

 Future Action.

1.Vegetable Garden   

Tim, Yvonne and Stewart to oversee the planting and maintenance.

2.Front Beds. Andrew will make a sketch of his vision for the planting of the beds. This will be transcribed into a more detailed plan by Gen.

3.General Grounds maintenance.

Tim will speak to Rev Tim about the possibility of cancelling the grass cutting contract with the existing contractor and employing Sean to take on the grass cutting at £ 15 per hour. There will only be paths to mow and not the whole area when the wildlife meadow has been created.

 Gen will speak to the Property Committee about the purchase of the lawn mower which Sean will need. Chris and Sean will research the cost of an appropriate lawn mower.

Gen will also liaise with the Circuit about the possibility of a grant for the whole rewilding project.

Yvonne will contact our Green Councillor for advice on wild life verges and also The Council regarding the poisonous spraying.

Tim will look into the purchase of a fruit tree to mark the Queen's Jubilee.

Sean agreed to build new bird boxes for the Holly tree at the front & the hedge in the vegetable garden.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd May. This will be a working party. Bring tools.

Page last updated: Thursday 17th March 2022 7:11 PM
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