Dear friends,
Let me begin by making a statement: ‘Life is too short to have matching socks’.
Someone came to me in the church and said there’s a woman with a toddler who needs help, can you do something ?
So I sat with this woman, who was like a coiled up spring, and out of her tension she let rip at the world and everything and everyone for about 30 minutes without pausing for breath. Her anger was more than apparent, she vented her feelings in this huge outburst.
I was left wondering where might this go ? How will it end ? Fortunately, there was not much needed for me to say, because I could not get a word in edgeways.
But all the issues of safeguarding, mental health, whether or not the statutory authorities were, or should be notified were going through my mind. There seemed to be nothing I could do to manage the situation or to see a way forward.
And then mid-sentence she stopped in her tracks and said in disbelief: ‘You’re wearing odds socks’.
Somehow just because I wear odds socks, which I have done for years, the spell was broken. She instantly calmed down and the conversation came to a good conclusion.
Now the point of the story is not the fact that I wear mismatching socks.
But that there was an acute situation about which I was powerless to intervene, resolve or sort in any way. It felt as if we were stuck in a cul-de-sac and I was desperately seeking to find a way out,
‘You’re wearing odd socks’, felt like a God moment when something broke, shifted, or happened to bring hope and light into a very difficult dark situation.
I could tell other ‘odd sock’ encounters, but I am so grateful for the way in which God uses the ordinary things of life for extraordinary purposes.
Services during June
Sunday 2nd
Mr David Green |
6 30pm
Local Arrangement – Gathering |
Sunday 9th
10.45am |
Rev. Tim Crome Holy Communion |
6 30pm |
Local Arrangement – Gathering |
Sunday 16th
10.45am |
Mr Brian Speed
6.30pm |
Rev. Tim Crome
Sunday 23rd |
10.45am |
Rev. Tim Crome Cafe Worship at Castleton |
6.30pm |
Local Arrangement
Sunday 30th |
10.45am |
Local Arrangement
6.30pm |
Local Arrangement – Gathering |
Church Family News
We remember in our prayers, lovely friends who are going through difficult times:
For Duncan Storey who recently passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his family. Please pray for continued comfort and strength for Jane and their family.
Steve and Alison Russell appreciate our prayers at the moment.
Joan Rowe, at the time of writing Joan is in hospital with a fractured ankle. Please pray for healing, she is dealing with illness already.
We remember Bryan and Shirley Coates, and Brenda Martin who is trying to rehabilitate in Newfield NH following hospital stays.
On a happier note, Congratulations!
To Janet, who will be celebrating a special birthday later this month.
To Linda’s daughter, Nicola Prosser and her partner Richard Shore who are engaged.
To Sarah Benson, Kath Koerner’s grand-daughter, who goes to Buckingham Palace this month, to be presented with her Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
To our former youth worker Lu Hunt, husband Gareth and big sister Alannah -who welcome baby boy Zander Nicholas Hunt into their family.
An update on my brother, Roger Williams: Roger is doing really well in rehab and is getting stronger now that he can eat properly. He is even going out for the occasional coffee with supervision. He still struggles with his memory, but we are thrilled with his progress. Many thanks to all who have been praying for Roger and the family and Praise God for answering those prayers.
Sue Bemrose.
Kindness is the language that the deaf and the blind can read.
The Christian Aid Trek
Monday 6th May
Four of us did the 6 mile walk that morning (there was a 12 mile option!) – Phil Brown, Sue Shelley, Chris Rowe and Tilly Rowe (the dog).
It’s fair to say that Tilly, although delighted to have a mention in the service the previous day, thank you Margaret – had the smallest legs and therefore probably got the prize for being the most tired at the end.
We had such a lovely walk from St Luke’s Church. There was a welcome speech and opening prayer prior to setting off – reminding us all of the desperate situations which Christian Aid is trying to reach. We walked round the Lodge Moor and Redmires Resevoirs. The lovely members at the church prepared refreshments, including yummy cakes, for our return.
We also got certificates and for the first time - lovely badges!
We want to thank everyone for sponsoring us – we have been able to add £130 to the pot. Some people have been walking for CA for absolutely years, Margaret Spooner is an example, she did the walk for 4 or 5 decades! Amazing! Please consider coming along next year – the walk takes only the morning – and the more the merrier.
Chris, Sue, Phil & Tilly
Fellowship at Banner Cross Methodist Church
Friendship with like-minded people
Encouragement when feeling sad
Love for one another
Laughter and good times
Oneness – unified, one with another
Welcome warmly given to everyone
Safety in numbers with a common aim
Harmony – “singing from the same hymn sheet”
Inspiration to do something creative together
Partnership with Christ and with each other
Alison Russell
Notes from the Holy Habits Planning Group Meeting
1st May 2019
Present: Paula Jones, Janet Southgate, Hazel Harrison, Margaret Spooner, Jackie Dunn and Alison Russell.
Apologies: Rachel Tomlinson and Christine Rowe
Forthcoming Activities and Events for the Holy Habit ‘Fellowship’ in May and June
The Lion King film will be shown on Saturday 15 June from 1.30pm with an interval when popcorn and ice-cream will be served. Flyers had been requested to promote this event. They could be available for the children and young people who use our premises. Paula agreed to look into the production of flyers with a relevant picture from the film. Discussions after the ‘Holy Habits’ films had been shown had also been requested. It was agreed that discussions had not been feasible in the past because the films had been shown in the evening and were about two hours long so people wanted to go home. It was suggested that a decision would be made about a discussion afterwards on a film-by-film basis.
Book Club The main book to be read and discussed at the next meeting after Morning Service on Sunday 30 June in Room 5 is Charlotte Gray by Sebastian Faulks. The novel The Beach House by Sally John will also be mentioned. Alison will try to help if people have problems getting hold of a book. There is a box for books relevant to the Holy Habits Programme in the ‘Saturday morning books’ cupboard in Room 2. When people borrow or return a ‘Holy Habits’ book, it would be helpful to let Alison know.
“Fellowship aims to include, not to exclude” Jackie agreed to raise the issue at the next Pastoral Committee meeting about people who cannot come to church for various reasons, or who have decided not to come for whatever reason, with the hope of facilitating a return to church or fellowship in some way.
Welcome Cards These need revising as they are out-of-date and are also not very attractive. The Worship Group will discuss in detail at a future meeting. In the meantime, it was agreed that the cards should always be put in a visible place.
Awayday in Castleton This will take place at The Peveril Centre on Saturday 22 June from 9.30am to 4.30pm approximately. Paula will arrange for tea, coffee and biscuits to be taken to The Peveril Centre. There will be Bring-and-Share Lunch and may be the chance to go into the village. One of the activities will be to consider how welcoming we are as a church and what we may need to do differently. There will not be a service at Banner Cross in the morning of Sunday 23 June because we will be returning to Castleton where we shall be sharing worship and fellowship with the people there in a café-style service led by Tim. Transport will be arranged for all those who need it. There are sign-up sheets in the porch for those wanting to go to Castleton for these two events, with space for lifts required/lifts offered. There will be an Awayday Planning Meeting open to everybody at Banner Cross, specifically to share ideas about what we would like to discuss and do on the Awayday. It will be on Wednesday 22 May from 7.30pm in Room 6.
The Quiet Room as a Prayer Space It was suggested that the Quiet Room should be used as a Prayer Space. Suggestions were made about what might be placed in there to aid prayer and contemplation. Shelves would need to be removed if it is agreed that the Quiet Room should be used for this purpose, and notices would need to be placed on the external doors stating that the Quiet Room is available, as long as Room 1 is not in use.
Ideas for the Next Holy Habit The Holy Habit for July and August will be ‘Biblical Teaching’.
Films We hope to show God on Trial in Room 2 on Sunday 28 July from 6pm (that week’s evening ‘Gathering’). We also hope to show Philomena in Room 2 on Saturday 17 August from 1.30pm. All are welcome.
We will be considering activities outlined in the resource booklet for Biblical Teaching in more detail during subsequent planning meetings. For those with the resource book, relevant pages are: “Exploring the books of the Bible – the whole Bible” on pages 13 + 14; “Read the Bible” on pages 41 to 45, including ‘Journalling’ and ‘Holding each other to account’; and on pages 50 to 52, “Different views on the Bible”. The Worship Group could also look at these
pages, and some ideas could be used by class groups and other groups. Tim also has ideas for the Holy Habit ‘Biblical Teaching’ which he will share with us.
Books The Book Club meeting for ‘Biblical Teaching’ will be on Sunday 11 August after the Morning Service in Room 6. The book is The Great Spiritual Migration by Brian D McLaren. Tim will lead the discussion. Paula and Alison will also be reading other books suggested in the resource booklet which they will mention at subsequent meetings.
Paula agreed to contact Carterknowle and Millhouses Methodist Churches, our Holy Habits triplets,to invite them to relevant events.
Date of next Holy Habits Planning Meeting is Wednesday 12th June from 7.30pm in Room 5.
Welcome to My World
Maria J Barranco-Wadlow
Can you briefly tell us about yourself ?
I came to England when I was 18 years old. Spent the first year learning the language. Got a work permit and went into nurse training, (I really wanted to be a Policewoman but was rejected because I was not a British National). Worked as a Nurse in Kingston upon Thames, Wimbledon, London and Leicester. I came to Sheffield in 1986 to become a Midwife which I worked at until I retired. I worked for the NHS for 42 years.
I’m married to Owen, a lovely English man from Liverpool. I’ve not had any children of my own but “inherited” two stepsons. When my brother died I unofficially “adopted” his five children. So you could say I’ve had seven kids. Now with many grand children and great nieces and nephews I feel truly blessed.
I consider myself a very fortunate immigrant as England has given me many opportunities. I have met many generous and supportive people, who have helped me to succeed and for that I am forever grateful.
What role(s) do you have in our Church ?
Used to help with Wednesday coffee mornings. Will soon be helping with Holy Communion.
Who was, or what were, the main influences in your early life ?
My father made it possible for my brother and I to experience adventure. My mother and her sisters have shown me true courage. Their motto: “Carry on no matter what. Never give up”. (They were children during the Spanish Civil War and suffered a lot).
My grandparents were also a huge influence in my childhood. To my grandfather I was an “angel” who could do no wrong. My grandmother was rather strict and when I was naughty she would say “God will punish you”. So to this day, I fear God quite a bit.
When did you first come to Banner Cross Methodist Church and what were your impressions at that time ?
My first and only visit to the church was in 1987 when Owen and I got married there. The Vicar and others were very kind and helpful.
Have your impressions changed at all ?
Yes, in that the interior of the church is much more contemporary. However the kindness and helpfulness continues to be very much in evidence.
What hobbies or interests fill any “spare” time ?
According to my husband I’m never home! I go to Pilates, Tai-Chi and two different dance classes every week. I also attend pottery classes and even though I have been going for three years my “pieces” still look very amateurish. I like watching professional dance shows and have been twice this year to the City Hall. I meet with friends for coffee and cakes…..mainly for the cakes which I love. We have Grandchildren duties twice a week and do a lot of craft/cooking things with them.
What books do you enjoy reading ?
I like to read books in Spanish so I can refresh my vocabulary. Just finished “Entre Costuras” which was about the troubles in Spain in 1936.
What music do you enjoy listening to ?
I like most types of music including “pop”, “classical”, “folk”. In fact everything except “head banging” music which unfortunately my husband does….it gives me headaches !
Please give us one fact about yourself that we may find surprising.
I’m to going share two things which might be interesting rather than surprising.
Firstly, I was born in Spain but spent the first nine years of my life in Brazil where my father managed a coffee plantation. So Portuguese was my first language then learnt Spanish at the age of ten. Then as mentioned earlier, English at the age of eighteen but don’t regard myself as being fluent in any.
Secondly, my name is Maria Jesus (“J” is pronounced “H” in Spanish). When I first came to England my name was regarded as being blasphemous by many and regarded as offensive by others. Needless to say I was upset by these reactions and consequently became plain Maria. I’m rather proud of my name, after all I was given it in honour of someone very special.
If you had one prayer request for moving forward the life of Banner Cross Methodist Church in any way, what would it be ?
I view the church as being the “centre” of a lot of peoples’ lives and beliefs and its very existence is threatened by diminishing numbers. My wish and prayer would be to retain members and attract new, especially the young.
Services, Events and Meetings at Banner Cross in June and July
The Holy Habit for June is “Fellowship”
Sunday 2nd June
10.45am, Morning Worship led by Mr David Green. 6.30pm, Local Arrangement-Gathering
Friday 7th to Sunday 9th June
The Walking Group will be walking around the Filey/Brampton area of North Yorkshire. See Paula Jones for more details.
Sunday 9th June, Pentecost
10.45am, Service of Holy Communion led by Rev. Tim Crome. 6.30pm, Local Arrangement – Gathering.
Saturday 15th June
1.30pm, the film, “The Lion King” will be shown in Room 2. Popcorn and ice-cream will be served.
Sunday 16th June
10.45am, Morning Worship led by Mr Brian Speed. 6.30pm, Holy Communion Service led by
Rev. Tim Crome.
Monday 17th June
7.30pm, Communications Group Meeting. All are welcome.
Saturday 22nd June
Our Church Awayday, at The Peveril Centre in Castleton, when we will be considering all aspects of “Fellowship”.
Sunday 23rd June
We shall be returning to Castleton Church to join in worship and fellowship with the folk there at a café-style Morning Service led by Rev. Tim Crome.
Monday 24th June
7.30pm, in Room 6, Worship Group Meeting. All are welcome.
Wednesday 26th June
7.30pm, Church Council Meeting in Room 2. All are welcome, but only CC members can vote.
Sunday 30th June
10.45am, Local Arrangement Morning Service, after which there will be a Holy Habits Book Club discussion in Room 6 about the novel,
“Charlotte Gray” by Sebastian Faulks.
6.30pm, Local Arrangement – Gathering.
The Holy Habit for July is “Biblical Teaching”
Sunday 7th July
10.45am, the Launch of the Holy Habit “Biblical Teaching” at Morning Worship led by Dr Jenny Bywaters. 6.30pm, Local Arrangement – Gathering.
Sunday 14th July
10.45am, Morning Worship led by Mr David Green. 6.30pm, Local Arrangement – Gathering.
Wednesday 17th July
7.30pm, Property and Finance Committee Meeting
Sunday 21st to Thursday 25th July
Banner Cross Church Holiday to Dumfries
Sunday 28th July
10.45am, Service of Holy Communion led by Rev. Tim Crome. 6pm, the film, “God on Trial” will be shown in Room 2.
Information correct as at 15 May 2019. Some events are subject to change.
There is also a Calendar on the noticeboard in the coffee lounge which is updated every two weeks.
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
In Pastures Green
Reading the familiar little anecdote about the little cross-eyed bear in a recent ‘Banner Headlines’, I was reminded of another such mis-attribution of a later date, say 1950s-60s, when Sunday School and RE in schools were still part of childhood experience. (We go to Scotland, by the way.)
I’ll call the little boy Jimmy. He lived in an ‘up and down’ in a terrace where folks tended not to use the front doors, but used a passage which served several back doors. Jimmy’s home was an inner one next to Stewart’s whose home came first. The washing green was shared, the women having amicable agreements as to its use.
Jimmy had recently joined the Cubs which met in early evening. He came home by himself and when the days darkened, the unlit passage became a challenge. His dad offered to come for him. Jimmy had his reply. “I’m not afraid. I just say that bit we sing at Bible time.” Puzzled ?
“In past Stewart’s green He leadeth me.” Say it quickly and you’ll understand the little chap’s trust.
Why Scotland ? Take a look at numbers 480 and 481 in our ‘Singing the Faith’. The answer’s there.
Community Partnership
Sponsored bike ride along Lon Las Cymru
(Wales’ Blue Lane)
Sean, his daughter Amelia and her partner Kurt cycled the length of Wales from Chepstow to Holyhead to raise money for our community partnership.
They are currently supporting a Christian Aid initiative to help internal migrants from the Syrian conflict and those crossing the border to neighbouring Iraq and Lebanon. The project focuses particularly on helping young people and people with disabilities.
Literally translating as Wales' Blue Lane, this is a gruelling 250 mile ride through the heart of Wales, taking in the Brecon Beacons and Snowdonia, as well as the Black Mountains and Cambrian Mountains of mid-Wales. More challenging and twice as long as the Coast-to-Coast ride, the route sticks to quiet lanes and old railway paths, with more than 5500 metres of climbing along the route.
Our sights were set on Holyhead, Anglesey. But first, we had a long journey ahead. 250 miles and five days of adventure, incorporating incredible scenery to rival anywhere on this planet. The views, the hills, the laughs, more hills, the food, more hills, and the conversations, together made this a truly wonderful adventure.
Our bags (panniers) were packed, our hearts and minds were set on one goal, cycling the Lon Las Cymru, loosely translated to “The Welsh Green Way.” This one wasn’t for the faint-hearted. Over the course of the ride, we encountered tricky terrain, superb scenery, changeable weather conditions and hills that were quite frankly, ridiculous. But we made it, eventually.
Day One saw Sean, Amelia and I depart Chepstow, a small town on the Welsh/English border, and our starting point for the Lon Las Cymru. The first leg will always be remembered for the momentous feeling and sense of accomplishment, as we reached the highest road pass in Wales, the Gospel Pass. Climbing to 1,801ft, Gospel Pass was incredible. The views were worth the effort. We took a moment at the summit to revel in our achievement. The skies had cleared to give way to one of the most picturesque landscapes we had ever encountered. Rolling hills and distant mountains dominated a truly wonderful sight. A quick decent into the literature town of Hay-on-Wye followed (we arrived too late for the shops unfortunately), with a stopover in Glasbury.
Day two saw a morning power cut at our accommodation. A much needed breakfast was in real danger. False alarm. Power was restored, breakfast served, and we were on our way. Picturesque Powys followed, with some challenging off-road sections, stunning wildlife, and coffee to fuel us as we rode on, through the heartlands of Wales, arriving into Llanidloes. The journey was just beginning.
Day three Llanidloes to Dolgellau. Yes, it took us a while to perfect the pronunciation too! After a quick lunch stopover in Machynlleth, a punishing climb followed. Slowly but surely we made our way north. No climb too big, no distance, too small. Arriving into Dolgellau was quite a poignant part of the journey, with 100 miles to go. We found ourselves with a bit of time to explore on this night, and to reflect on the journey thus far. We had already ridden such a distance.
Day four the legs were heavy, the heart even more determined to make it. Our destination was Caernarfon. We hit the coast today, with a wonderful breakfast in Barmouth. The sun was out, the warmth filled the air. Over 60 miles awaited us, with a very appealing 8 mile shortcut. We stood strong and said no. A high point was enjoying a hard-earned ice cream in the castle town of Criccieth. We had twenty miles to go. We were on for a late arrival into Caernarfon. What happened next was extremely welcome. The last twenty miles were essentially very flat and downhill, making for a far more relaxed end to what was a challenging, long, and tiring day. Everyone was starting to feel it. We had come such a momentous way. The end was just beyond the horizon.
We arrived into Caernarfon following the conclusion of what appeared to be an extremely popular food festival. The town was alive. We found ourselves an Italian restaurant, which didn’t serve pizza, much to the surprise of everyone.
Beyond the horizon stood our final destination, Holyhead. An easy(ish) day of flat cycling through the winding back lanes of Anglesey, saw us arrive into Holyhead with our heads held high, our legs aching, and our minds triumphant ! Sean was catching a later train and carried on to South Stack to see the seabirds, particularly the choughs.
Waiting for the train home, it was easy to forget the incredible distance we had travelled. The sun set across the north Wales coastline, as we headed home.
Hwyl Cymru.
Kurt Sullivan
Proposed visit to the Holy Land
October 2021
Christine and I are exploring the possibility of going on an organised trip to the Holy Land in October 2021. We can't go before then due to other commitments. We've got a rough quote and itinerary together through All Saints Travel who specialise in this sort of thing. Their itinerary is on the church notice board but can be adjusted. They suggest staying in Nazareth and Bethlehem. We wondered if any Banner Cross friends would be interested in going with us ? It would be nice to go in a group. If not we'll just do our own thing. Please let us know ASAP (see below for price details). Thanks
Jonathan and Christine
The Holy Land 2021
A Biblical and Historical Tour ‘Following in the Footsteps of Jesus’
See the Gospel come to life by following the footsteps of Jesus in the Holy Land. From Galilee to Jerusalem, you will find yourself immersed in spirituality and culture. This beautiful, tried and tested itinerary promises to bring the faithful pilgrim an unforgettable experience, including a non-stop return flight from the UK to Tel Aviv airport, a touring coach and professional local guide, as well as en-suite accommodation at a 4* hotel in Nazareth and a 3* hotel in Bethlehem.
Date: 12 – 19th October 2021
from £1,189 - 8 day/7 nights, HB
Spiritual Leader: TBC
Organised by Mr Jonathan Rowe
Tel. 07946 176 735 / 01793 608844 (AST)
Creativity is all around you. It only takes a second to have a great idea.
Save this Date
We are planning to have an Awayday to the Peveril Centre in Castleton on Saturday, 22nd June. The theme of the day will be Fellowship as part of the next Holy Habit.
More details to follow but just wanted people to save the date.
Bits ‘n Bobs
Church holiday
A holiday has been arranged for 21st to 25th July (Sunday to Thursday) to Dumfries. If you are interested please speak to Janette as soon as possible for more information. We are a happy crowd, out to enjoy each other’s company and have a nice time together. You are very welcome to join us.
The Walking Group plans to have a Weekend Away in June: Friday 7th to Sunday 9th. More details regarding accommodation for campers and non-campers to follow. We plan to visit the Filey/Brampton area of North Yorkshire. We will plan to eat together in the evenings. Walkers and non-walkers. All are welcome. Paula
Film Club
The Film Club is STILL taking place . The first Saturday in each month starting at 1.30 and refreshments are served during the afternoon. For reasons beyond my control I have had to change some of the films.
Programme – June 1st My Fair Lady.
It is open to all so please do come along. You will be most welcome.
No booing at the projectionist though!!
Talking of films . . . . .
''The Shack'' and ''The Way'' – two of the films we've showed recently at church.
Caroline and Nick have bought both of the films and are happy to lend them out to anyone who wants to watch them.
A new coffee machine has been installed in the kitchen, to replace the failing old machine. The new machine was purchased at Nesbits Catering Suppliers from their shop near the top of the Moor.
For ECO fans, this shop also has a large range of disposable wooden cutlery for picnics or other events, thus dispensing with the need to buy throw-away plastic items in the future. Phil Brown
Dear Friends,
You may be interested to see Bents Green Church's magazine. I will be given a few copies on Tuesday evening from a Bents Green friend who goes to Escafeld Chorale. She takes four copies to Bents Green of our Banner Headlines. I will put the copies of Hilltop magazine on the bookshelves in the coffee lounge when I get them. Alison
Fifty years of music-making
Escafeld Chorale’s anniversary concert
(with cake too !)
Fifty years ago, Silverdale music teacher Ron Law, and his wife Monica, got together with three friends to sing on a regular basis in their front room on Fossdale Road – and thus the Fossdale Singers were born. By the late 1970s the group had outgrown the living room of Ron and Monica’s next house and moved up to High Storrs School. Two moves later, and following a change of name in the 1980s, Escafeld Chorale’s weekly rehearsals have been taking place at Banner Cross Methodist Church for many years. As a registered charity with a committee and all the formal apparatus of a 21st-century choir, it’s a far cry from that informal group of friends singing part-songs and madrigals back in 1969. But despite its growth to around 70 members, several changes of conductor and a massive expansion in its repertoire, Escafeld is still characterized by its friendly and welcoming nature.
On 6th July this year, Escafeld will be giving the second of their special 50th anniversary concerts, just down the road at Holy Trinity Church, Millhouses. In contrast to the spring concert (which featured longer works by Schubert, Fauré, Finzi and Britten), the summer concert will be much lighter, with a lovely mixture of madrigals and part-songs, harking back to the choir’s early years. And we’ll be performing a piece by Ron Law himself – ‘Cantate Domino’. From the fa-la-la-lahs of the 15th-century madrigals to the haunting soprano solo in Stanford’s ‘Blue Bird’, and even a medley from Oklahoma, what’s not to enjoy?
Escafeld has always been keen to support and encourage young musicians, most recently through an Associate Soloist scheme set up nearly ten years ago. We’re delighted that most of our previous soloists remember us with affection and gratitude and were keen to take part in the anniversary concerts, along with this year’s soloist, soprano Sarah Leffler. In March we welcomed back Matthew Palmer, Keren Hadas and Lindsey James and on 6 July audiences will have the pleasure of enjoying the voices of Debra Finch, Rosie Williamson and Tim Peters again. Tom Crathorne, our accompanist, will also be playing a piano solo.
Following the concert, there will be a reception in the Holy Trinity church hall, with light refreshments and a specially commissioned anniversary cake which will be ceremonially cut.
Tickets (£10 full price, £8 concessions, £4 students) will be available via the choir website ( or from choir members, including Alison Russell, Ann and Chris Barker, Sylvia Graves, and Jackie and Roger Dunn.
Do come along and help us celebrate fifty years of music-making.
There are two kinds of people in this world, and being in a choir is better than both of them.
Group singing is cheaper than therapy, healthier than drinking,
and certainly more fun than working out. It is the one thing in life
where feeling better is pretty much guaranteed.
Father's Day
In Britain, Father’s Day always takes place on the third Sunday of June, which this year, is the 16th.
The idea of a special day to honour fathers and celebrate fatherhood was introduced from the United States and according to one tale, was first began because of a woman named Grace Golden Clayton from Fairmount, West Virginia.
An orphan, Grace lobbied her local Methodist ministers for a church service to honour fathers in 1908.
The story goes that she was inspired to do this after a mining disaster killed 362 local men. Their deaths orphaned more than 1,000 children and Grace wanted to pay tribute to the children’s dead fathers - as well as her own.
Another story involves the daughter of a civil war veteran, Sonora Smart Dodd, from Arkansas.
While listening to a sermon for Mother’s Day, Sonora became convinced of the need to celebrate fathers too. She also campaigned her religious leaders for a special service dedicated to fathers.
In 1966, President Johnson designated that the third Sunday in June should be Father's Day and six years later, Father’s Day was made a permanent national holiday in the US when, in 1972, President Richard Nixon signed it into law.
Why is the date of Father’s Day different in other countries?
While countries including the UK, Ireland, US, France, Cyprus, South Africa, Netherlands, Greece, Japan, Canada and Saudi Arabia celebrate Father’s Day every June, others have the day on a completely different date.
Instead, Australia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand celebrate their dads in September.
Many people believe that the celebration date is different in the southern hemisphere because June is their autumn, rather than their spring, and the day can be marketed better in the spring season. However, in Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Croatia it’s in March.
For Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Iceland, Father’s Day celebrations are held on the second Sunday of November, and in Bulgaria it’s on the same day as Boxing Day, December 26.
The dates usually correspond to each country’s individual culture and traditions.
- “By the time a man realises that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.”
- “A father is a fellow who has replaced the currency in his wallet with the snapshots of his kids.”
- “It is a wise father that knows his own child.”
Whitsun is the seventh Sunday after Easter, which this year is Sunday, 9th June and is the name for the Christian festival of Pentecost.
It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ's disciples.
Whit Sunday, also referred to as Whitsunday, Whitsun or simply Whit (meaning "White Sunday", as white garments were worn by those newly baptized on this day), is the name used mostly in the United Kingdom for the annual Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his ascension from earth to heaven on Ascension Day. It is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter.
Outside the UK Whit Sunday is known as Pentecost, meaning "fiftieth day", as it is held on the 50th day from the beginning of the Easter season on Easter Sunday (including Easter Sunday in the counting). Some Christian denominations consider it to be the birthday of the Christian church and celebrate it as such. It can fall as early as May 10th and as late as June 13th.
Whit Monday follows Whitsun and used to be a bank holiday in the United Kingdom, but in 1967 it was replaced by a fixed bank holiday on the last Monday of May, but still remains a public holiday in many countries with Christian traditions.
It was the start of a week (especially the first three days) of festivities called Whitsuntide (or Whitweek), one of which was the Whit Walk which have now largely disappeared.
Has anyone got any recollections of the Whit Walks they would like to share in the next Headlines ??
The next issue is a double one, so . . . . .
Items for the July/August edition of the Headlines
can be sent via e-mail to or by using the good old-fashioned methods of either popping it into the pigeonhole at church, through my front door or even by phoning me on 255 3771 but whatever method you use, can I have it no later than 15th June please. Thank you,
Creases Ironing Service £12 per 20 items For all New and Regular Customers Please call or e.mail Rebecca for any enquiries and make your booking today 07855 213 257 CREASES.SHEFFIELD@GMAIL.COM |