Banner Headlines

The week at Banner Cross

Sunday Worship

at 10.45am & 6.30pm


Monday   9.45am         Little Fish Toddler Group

                  10.30am         Morning Coffee

Tuesday 12.30pm         Lunch Club followed by 
                                  Friendship Club

             2.30 pm         Banner Cross WI (Second Tuesday of every month)

              7.00pm         Indoor Short Mat Bowling

              7.30pm         Community Bible Study

Wednesday 10.30am            Morning Coffee
              6.00pm         Rainbows
Thursday 10.30am       Morning Coffee
             10.30am         Thursday Bible Study  

              7.30pm         Badminton

              7.00pm         WI on Ecclesall Road (Second Thursday of every month)

Friday    10.30am         Morning Coffee

              6.15pm         Brownies

              7.30pm         Singing Group

              7.30pm         Guides

Saturday 9.30am         Prayers in the Quiet Room

               9.30am         Walking Group (first Saturday of the month)             

             10.00am         Morning Coffee




Our Address

Banner Cross Methodist Church

12 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield, S11 9PE.mail address:


The Editors of Banner Headlines reserve the right to alter or refuse any item

submitted for publication. Views of contributors are not necessarily shared by the editors. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of items, the Church Council may not be held responsible for the truth or accuracy of any claims made by contributors or advertisers



Church Directory

Minister            Rev. Tim Crome   4389012                         
Pastoral Secretary                         Linda Watchorn 
Leadership Team             Janet Southgate
Church Council Secretary             Sue Cox
Singing Group Leader        Ann Barker
Singing Group Secretary     Alison Russell

Rainbows                        Ann Tanker             

91st Brownies                 Kathryn Warren

28th Guides                    Ruth Hambleton            

Community Bible Study     Rachel Tomlinson        

Badminton                        Kurt Sullivan                

Indoor Short Mat Bowling                 Terry Kirkwood    

Luncheon Club               Steve Woodcock      

                                      Ian McCollough
                                      Phil Brown
                                      Richard Holland              
Bookings Secretary         Sylvia Runciman      
Listening Service             Margaret Spooner     

Book & Card Stall           Linda Watchorn

                                      Kathryn Warren
        Lesley Sanderson,

Little Fish Mother & Toddler Group   Hazel Harrison

Banner Headlines           Terry Kirkwood

Enquiries regarding Advertising contact Terry Kirkwood on 0114 255 3771

Church Family News


It was with huge sadness that we heard on Monday 17th September that our dear friend Margaret Elliott passed away suddenly. As yet we don't know any funeral arrangements. Our thoughts are with George, Adrian and Elizabeth and all their family and friends.

We continue our prayers

For Jane and Duncan Storey.

Hazel’s sister Joy continues to struggle with her oral health problems and probably faces further surgery.

We remember those who can’t get to church at all or very often. We remember Brenda Martin and Helen Watson.

Jackie Dunn who has fallen and fractured her right wrist – though we haven’t noticed much of a reduction in her workload!

Congratulations to all those starting new ventures:

Terry and Dora’s granddaughter Georgia, settling at Manchester University and Linda Prosser’s grandson Harry settling at Nottingham University.

Emma Tomlinson settling into her second year at Lincoln.

Daniel Tomlinson did very well in his GCSEs and is now doing his A level courses at High Storrs School.

Rachel Tomlinson who is taking on a different role at Sheffield University as First Year Tutor.

Jennie Rowe is beginning a Foundation Degree in Nursing Studies in Sheffield.



Did you know  .  .  .  . .

If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes. 

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.


Prayer of Commitment

God of power and presence and purpose, we thank you for the call and challenge of Holy Habits.

We commit to you our lives.

We commit to you this journey of Holy Habits, which we will make with you and with others.


Help us always to be open to your Spirit, in our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Strengthen and support us as we seek to learn more about these habits of the Christian life.


As we practise the Holy Habits, we pray that, by your Spirit,

you will continue to form in us the character of Jesus.

Establish us in the way of faith, hope and love, and may your Kingdom come.

In Jesus’ name we pray,



Services, Events and Meetings at Banner Cross in October and November


Wednesday October 3rd Property Committee meeting

Saturday October 6th Decorating the Church for Harvest  –  All welcome.  We will be receiving gifts for the Cathedral Archer Project. Please bring to Church on the Saturday or Sunday morning of the Harvest weekend.

Saturday October 6th, 2pm General Audit of Church Items  What do we own? Where is it kept? Let’s find out!

Sunday October 7th Harvest Festival Café Worship led by Rev Tim Crome following the theme, ‘Let Your Light Shine’, the Harvest Appeal by All We Can, an international development and emergency relief organisation. This service will be followed by a Harvest Lunch of soup and crumble. 

Thursday October 11th Leadership Team meeting. If there are any issues you would like to raise, please get in touch with a member of the LT before their meeting.

Saturday October 13th, 10am Gardening Day, weather permitting, we will be having an autumn tidy-up of the church garden. All welcome. 

Saturday October 13th Murder Mystery Evening. If you would like to take part and are not already allocated to a table, please let Paula Jones know. The cost is £10 per person and a 3-course meal will be served, followed by tea/coffee. 

Sunday October 14th Morning Service with Holy Communion, led by Rev Peter Edwards, to mark the start of the Week of Prayer for World Peace.

Thursday October 18th Church Council Meeting  –  all welcome, but only Church Council members can vote.

Saturday October 20th, 10am to 12 noon Charity Christmas Card Sale contact Pat Dickinson if you would like to recommend a charity to sell their cards. 

Thursday October 25th the film “The Way” will be shown in Room 2.  More details from Rachel Tomlinson.

Sunday November 4th Holy Habits/Holy Communion Morning Serviceled by Rev Graham Wassell.

Saturday November 10th, 10.30am Christmas Fair Planning Meeting.

Sunday November 11th Remembrance Day led by Kevin Horseman.

Sunday November 25th Café Worship, followed by the Annual General Meeting  –  all welcome.

Information correct as at 15 September


Would you believe it !!

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321




Communications Group    


Summary of the Notes from the Meeting held on 3rd September


Tim Wilson has the new template for the website. Tim Crome explained that the new website will be clear and precise therefore it will be much easier to see what Banner Cross is doing. Tim Wilson wants pictures of the Church for the website. It was agreed that Tim Wilson has permission to contact people for information to go onto the website. Material will need to be thought about carefully before going onto the website. It was also agreed that the website will be a standing item for each Communications Group meeting.

Footprints  Church Council has agreed we can go ahead and paint footprints leading to the entrances to the Church. This will make it clear to the public where the entrances to the Church are. It was suggested that pictures of how the footprints will look be displayed in Church and also appear in the October issue of Banner Headlines.

Wall at front of the Church Lorna has started work to produce a mural. It was suggested it would be good to have the windows cleaned and the outside lights working. Terry is looking at how to use uplighting to illuminate the windows at night. His findings to be given to the Property Committee.

Internal Communications

It was agreed that the Notetaker at each meeting regarding Church

life/business should pin the notes onto the noticeboard for al lto

read as soon as possible. As agreed at a previous meeting, the notes should ideally firstly be approved by members of the relevant group which includes members of the Leadership Team. Notes, of course, will not have been accepted as correct until the following meeting but would appear on the noticeboard, with the exception of any sensitive information, in the spirit of open communication.

 Internal noticeboards Janet has improved all internal

noticeboards and agreed to monitor these and remove out-of-date and inappropriate information.

Weekly Diary Those present expressed their thanks to Sean Ashton for collating and printing the Weekly Diary for the last four years.  We are seeking someone to take over. 

Banner Headlines It was agreed that this would continue on the same basis, ie 10 issues a year. Thanks were expressed to Terry for continuing to collate, print and distribute the magazine. He prints 148 copies. It was requested that we encourage the congregation to continue to send articles/information for inclusion. Alison, Christine and Pat will commission and collate articles, dates of meetings and other relevant information and forward to Terry. It was agreed events should be advertised two months ahead.

External Communications

New Church Logo It was agreed that we need a new Church logo – something that will prompt people to recognise that the communication is from Banner Cross Church. Terry pointed out that our church tower is the only one of its kind in Sheffield.  External noticeboards need more consideration but this cannot be done until the new logo has been chosen and we have re-branded ourselves. We will ask for suggestions of what the logo might be in the next two issues of Banner Headlines. Suggestions should be received by the end of November. The logo will be used on all communications, the letterhead and noticeboards. It was agreed that Tim Crome and Terry would work together on this matter.  

Eco Church We have been asked, “What is an Eco Church?”  Such questions are a healthy sign that people are taking notice of what is happening in our Church and so there is an ideal opportunity to explain what we are trying to do by making public more information about what we as an Eco Church are trying to achieve.

External Noticeboards Thanks were expressed to Rachel for

preparing and changing notices regularly. It was requested that text is kept to a minimum with large lettering to enable people to read the boards from a distance. 

Other Business

It was noted that some people would have liked more information about Holy Habits before the launch of the Programme. The open meetings to be shared with Carterknowle and Millhouses Churches will be publicised in Banner Headlines, put on notices, and announced in Church. Tim said there were 10 books – one for each Holy Habit. We will explore each habit over two months. Books cost £4.95 and are available from the CLC bookshop. Paula is exploring whether we can buy these at a discount price, but we also have permission to photocopy the books or perhaps relevant extracts. 

Church Council’s decision about liturgical furniture  It was requested that an announcement be made in Morning Worship about the Church Council’s decision made at their extraordinary meeting on 2nd September

Date of Next Meeting: Monday 3rd December from 7.30pm in Room 5.


Welcome to My World

Roger Dunn


Can you briefly tell us a little of yourself?

Born in Scarsdale Hospital, Chesterfield in October 1937, I was the youngest of four brothers. I went to Highfield Hall Primary School which was great)...what I didn`t understand was why we had to put our heads on our desks after lunch, and pretend we were asleep!

I went to Chesterfield Grammar School, was bottom of the class in the Christmas Exams in Geography, realised that some work was needed here and came top in the Summer Exams.

My parents were Methodists, at Marsden Street MC, a very large, busy church. My father was responsible for bringing Reginald Dixon and Sandy McPherson, on different occasions, to play our Church organ. I took it for granted that you spent your Sundays at church.

What roles do you have in our church?

Not so many as I used to do......Class Group leader, One of the Power Point projectionists for church services, member of Church Council, helper at Little Fish refreshments and Lunch Club, and until recently Church Choir Leader.

Who was, or what were the main influences in your early life?

My parents had the most influence, Mum was always there, especially when I had a near brush with Peritonitis. Father was a

good violinist, and encouraged me to play the piano....sadly I didn`t

practise enough, and gave it up. They gave me a good start in life!

Two people from Marsden Street MC made a big impact on me, Margaret and Wilfred Allen. Margaret was our main Sunday School teacher, she spent much time helping us to understand what we were about, and Wilfred was Choir Leader, who encouraged me to sing, especially at Sunday School Anniversaries. Later, when Jackie and I married, she became the most influential person in my life.

When did you come to Banner Cross Methodist Church, and what were your impressions at that time?

In 1969 we moved to Bannerdale Road from Crawshaw Grove, close to Banner Cross MC. This church had a large population in an equally large building. The church bustled with life and offered so many opportunities. There was a thriving Sunday School, later renamed the Junior Church, and many uniformed Organisations, and we were happy to become involved in one or two of these activities, bearing in mind that we had two little boys at the time. The main impression was that here were opportunities for all.

Have your first impressions changed at all?

They have changed in different ways. We have a smaller congregation, but the pastoral and caring spirit is just as strong, if not stronger because of the fewer people. Having said that it must be said that through Little Fish, Lunch Club, the new Singing Group there are examples of groups having that special outreach of their own. The ECO status is a new ideal, with the serious purpose of encouraging all people to be trustees of this world of ours. Quite recently, groups of up to 20 of our members have been able to enjoy a holiday together....a real breath of air for them, literally! And we still have dedicated members and friends working with youngsters in Rainbows, Brownies and Guides, badminton nights, bowling club, walking group, Bible study, Prayer group and still provide coffee mornings for social contact, but we would love to have more help. If I have omitted any group I apologise. It`s just different now!

What hobbies or interests fill in your spare time?

Watching, instead of playing football, singing, playing Bridge(about 40 years now every Thursday, now most frequently at Broomcroft Nursing Home (so that Brian Payne can join in), gardening,family and church activities.

Please give us one fact about yourself that we may find surprising.

My brother, Keith, wanted to exchange me, as a baby, for a friend`s toy train. A narrow escape for me!

If you had one prayer request for moving forward the life of Banner Cross MC in any way, what would it be?

Look to the future with Jesus as your leader.



Banner Cross Luncheon and Friendship Club needs Volunteer Drivers and also ‘Washers Up’

Can you spare a few hours one Tuesday a month?

The Banner Cross Lunch Club has been serving the community through Banner Cross Methodist Church for 33 years.  Each Tuesday (except for Bank Holiday weeks) some 40 people with a current average age of 87 come together to enjoy a ‘home cooked’ meal followed by entertainment and friendship.  An increasing number now need a lift between lunch club and home and we do not have enough volunteer drivers to meet the need.

Can you possibly help?

Our volunteer drivers use their own vehicles to help individuals travel to the Lunch Club at Banner Cross Methodist Church.  Drivers must be over 21 years of age; must hold a full driving licence; and be comfortable ‘steadying’ their passengers in and out of the car if that is necessary.

The average round trip is about 3 miles with drivers picking up 1-3 passengers from home at around 12.00 noon and taking them back home at around 2.30pm.  Mileage is reimbursed.

Washing up duties start at around 12.45pm.

For further information please contact:

Stewart McIntosh on: 0114 236 9228; or 07711 083 596



Sunday 23rd September

Chris Rowe, Jonathan and family want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who donated and who helped on the day of her 10k and especially at the lunch afterwards - those who worked in the kitchen were amazing - that's always the hardest job - and thank you to everyone who baked, bought and made things. Thanks to the singers in both choirs -the Banner Cross Singing Group were great. Majesty Gospel Choir couldn't do ourselves proper justice with so much sickness and absence on the day. We're grateful to Mary for playing the piano and to Kate for leading the songs - both great stand-ins. I'll write a longer piece next month but an incredible 800 was raised for PSC Research Funds to date - with more promised, which is just overwhelming. We're blessed with the most generous friends.

Image result for black and white christmas stalls________________

The Christmas Fair

Saturday, 1st December

We have already confirmed the following stalls will be there ;

Second hand toys; Books; Cakes; Christmas decorations; Brick a brac; toiletries; jewellery

Savouries; Home made bags, purses and many other things and the Cafe

This is not a comprehensive list as we are hoping other stalls etc will be added.

If you have anything you wish to donate to the above stalls it can be left in the downstairs kitchen any time between now and the Fair.

Home made cakes, scones and mince pies would be very much appreciated on the Friday or Saturday of the Fair.

Please see Pat Dickinson for further information.


Cool Earth

our charity for coffee collections during this quarter


Cool Earth is the charity for the coffee collections during September, October and November.  There follows an extract from their website:

Cool Earth is the non-profit organisation that works alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation and its impact on

Cool Earth is the non-profit organisation that works alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation and its impact on climate change. 

It all started with the Asháninka village of Cutivireni in the Peruvian Amazon.  Ten years ago, the community found themselves at crisis point.  With no money for medicine or food, the village received a cash offer for their trees.  It was low, far less than the trees were worth.  The Asháninka were desperate not to lose their forest, but they didn’t see any other option.  That’s where Cool Earth came in.  Not with chicken and beer, but with cash.By providing funds that the community as a whole could use to invest in what they needed most, Cool Earth gave Cutivireni another choice, to turn away the loggers and continue to live and thrive in their beautiful rainforest home. 

Ten years on, and one village has become over a hundred.  Cool Earth now partners with local people in all three of the world’s major rainforest biomes and has a million acres of rainforest under protection.  Its unique model is saving rainforest in three continents.

Half of the world’s rainforest has been destroyed in the last 40 years.  Cool Earth believes in a new approach to saving the rainforest by putting local people back in control of their forest.  Local people stand to lose the most from deforestation but the most to gain from its protection.  As such, they are the forest’s best possible custodians.  That’s why all Cool Earth partnerships are community-owned and led.  By developing local livelihoods, Cool Earth’s mission is to end the cycle of deforestation entrenching villages into further poverty.

From working with Cool Earth, local partners have reported improvements in all areas of life: enhanced wellbeing, improved education, and greater happiness. 

Extract taken from:


Little girl:  Does God make lions ?

Mother:     Yes, dear.

Little girl:  but isn’t he frightened to.


Sunday teacher:     What does the story of Goliath teach us ?

Small boy:       To duck  

Suggestions please

Banner Cross LogoThis has been the church’s logo for many years now but it is felt that we need a newer design, the better to portray a more up-to-date image.

We would like your suggestions on what you think would be a good new design.

As the logo will appear on everything from stationery, publications etc, should convey how you would like us to be considered as a church and/or how we should be recognised.

Your suggestions should be passed on to either the Minister or Terry (for the latter you can pop them in the church pigeonhole) for the final decision being made in December.

Happy designing



Items for the November edition of the


                     can be sent via e-mail to

me or by using the good old-fashioned methods of either popping it into the pigeonhole at church, through my front door or even by phoning me on

255 3771 but whatever method you use, can I have it no later than 15th October, please.

Thank you,



There are three kinds of people.
Those who make things happen.
Those who watch things happen.
And those who wonder what happened

Indoor Short Mat Bowls

If you prefer your exercise to be a little sedate without a lot of dashing about, why not indulge yourself in a bit of Indoor Short Mat Bowls, we are always looking for new members.

For experienced bowlers, it is an ideal way of ‘keeping your eye in’ during the close season. All you have to do is adapt your game to fit a 40-foot plus by 6-foot mat.

If you’ve never played before, don’t worry it’s easy, all you need is a pair of softish shoes with no tread and we’ll do the rest.

MCj03187160000[1]It is not our intention to take part in competitions

as we play socially with lots of friendly banter,

stopping around 8.00pm for a cup of tea

and a chat, and then finishing at 9.00pm.

As we have two mats, we would like one or

two more players, so why not come along and give it

a try, you never know you may be a natural.

We meet on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm

If you want to know more about it just ring

Terry on 255 3771


The Bowlers' own language - how to translate

 The Sport of Bowls has its very own language which can totally mystify anyone who hears it, but hasn't had the pleasure of throwing a bowl in fun or earnest.

For the information of the uninitiated, here are a few terms translated into standard English.

  • "Good weight!" = lousy line
  • "Good line" = lousy weight
  • "Good back bowl" = you were lucky you didn't put it in the ditch
  • "That's in their way" = that's in my way
  • "That could be useful up there" = that bowl is closer to you than it is to the jack
  • "Get it next time" = you sure didn't get it this time
  • "He's surprisingly good" = you're surprised he ever makes a shot


Did You Appreciate The Truth About Letters?

Letters 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd' do not appear if you spell any of the numbers between 1 and 99. [Funnily enough, letter 'd' comes for the first time in Hundred]

In addition, letters 'a', 'b' and 'c' do not appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 999.  [Strange, but true, letter 'a' comes for the first time in Thousand]

Neither letter 'b' nor 'c' appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 999,999,999
[Letter 'b' comes for the first time in Billion]

Letter 'c' does not appear anywhere in the spellings of entire English counting.





9 facts about the Alphabet

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world so it is not surprising that so many people want to learn how to speak English. Here are a few facts about the English Alphabet that you should know.

  • The most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E.
  • If you try and say the alphabet without moving your lips or tongue, every letter will sound the same.
  • The twenty-six letters of the alphabet make more than forty distinct sounds.
  • The word ‘rhythm’ is the longest word without a vowel.
  • The letter W is the only letter in the alphabet that has three syllables (all the others have one).
  • One out of every eight letters is an E.
  • The English word ‘alphabet’ comes (via Latin) from the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha and beta
  • The longest word in English which doesn’t use a letter E is floccinaucinihilipilification.
  • About one-hundred languages use the same alphabet like in English which makes it one of the most widely used alphabets in the world. While some languages have a few more and others a few less, they all share the twenty-three letters originally found in the Roman alphabet.




Ironing Service

£12 per 20 items

For all New and Regular Customers

Please call or e.mail Rebecca

for any enquiries and make your booking today

07855 213 257


Text Box: Creases
Ironing Service
£12 per 20 items
For all New and Regular Customers
Please call or e.mail Rebecca
for any enquiries and make your booking today
07855 213 257


The Sheffield Circuit Newsletter

Dash 3

To find out what is happening in and around the Sheffield Circuit a weekly newsletter is produced. This can be found at

If you want regular updates you can subscribe to the newsletter there.















Our Address

Banner Cross Methodist Church

12 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield, S11 9PE

e.mail address:


The Editors of Banner Headlines reserve the right to alter or refuse any item

submitted for publication. Views of contributors are not necessarily shared by the editors. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of items, the Church Council may not be held responsible for the truth or accuracy of any claims made by contributors or advertisers



Page last updated: Thursday 11th October 2018 7:24 PM
Powered by Church Edit