Carers News

This month's edition includes news about:

  • New video for Carers
  • Government Guidance
  • Support for HE studies
  • Experts By Experience
  • Volunteers for Research
  • Local Area Committees 
  • Free home cooking course
  • Tips to help with anxiety
  • Better Health Sheff
  • Creative ideas on caring
New video to help carers of 7,000 people with dementia in Sheffield 
An estimated 7,000 people in Sheffield live with dementia, and most have a family member, or unpaid carer, supporting them. Click the image to watch a new 4-minute video in which six Sheffield carers share their real-life experiences and offer useful advice that applies to all carers. Click here for more details about the video and the Sheffield Dementia Strategy on our website.
Government guidance for a range of unpaid carers has been updated
The Government recently updated some of the guidance for unpaid carers. (1) click here or the image of the mobile phone if you provide unpaid care to friends or family. (2) click on this link if you care for adults with learning disabilities and/or autistic adults. (3) click on this link for guidance on protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable.
New guide for young carers thinking of higher education studies
Getting into higher education can feel difficult if you also have caring responsibilities at home. Click on the image for a guide for young carers produced by the two universities in Sheffield, as much of the content is relevant to anyone with caring responsibilities. Click here for details of the 'Progress Scheme' that opens soon for carers starting at SHU in September 2022.
Rethink are looking for carers with experience in mental health
The organisation ‘Rethink’ aims to improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through a network of local groups and services. They are recruiting for ‘Experts By Experience’ to help with the work on developing local alliances, and need representation from carers who look after someone with a mental illness. Please use the link for more details if you are interested.
Carers needed for research project supporting physical activity
Are you supporting someone with Schizophrenia, Bipolar or Schizoaffective Disorder? Would you like to join a consensus group to help develop a new physical activity programme for people living with these conditions? If so, click the image for details of a project managed by Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, the NIHR and the University of York.
New initiative to bring decision making closer to communities
Local Area Committees (LACs) are a way for people to get involved in making a difference to their local communities. The Council is using these committees to help put decision making at the heart of local areas, so Sheffield residents can ask questions or raise local issues that help the decision process. Use the link for details on joining meetings or taking part in a survey.
Join the free 'Bags of Taste' budget cooking course at home
Bags of Taste is a national NFP organisation tackling food poverty by teaching people how to cook tasty and healthy meals from scratch for less than £1 per portion. Their FREE mentored home cooking courses support vulnerable people on low incomes who struggle with food costs but would like to improve their diets. Use the link for more details that are on our website.
11 tips to help cope with anxiety about coming out of lockdown 
Getting 'back to normal’ isn’t easy for all carers, and it's important to be patient with yourself and with your feelings. Coronavirus has been hard, and everyone has experienced the effects of the pandemic differently, particularly those who have been shielding. This link to the NHS website has lots of ideas on how to make the process easier for you or someone you know.
Campaign to help us *eat well *move more *quit smoking *feel better
‘Better Health Sheff’ is a new campaign to help people make small and simple changes that will improve health. It has been developed to make it easier for people by signposting residents to help on topics such as eating well and moving more, plus Smokefree Sheffield and feeling better. Use the link for tips and videos about making some changes that can help improve health.
Carers invited to submit creative ideas about 're-imagining care'
Last year Sheffield University curated an online exhibition I'll be here in the morning telling the many and varied experiences of caring in 2020. This year, they are asking anyone who cares for a loved one, friend or a neighbour to submit ideas for 're-imagining care'. Use the link on the left for more details of how you can be involved with this year's exciting new project.
Page last updated: Tuesday 28th September 2021 7:41 PM
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