Carers News


  • This month's edition includes news about:

    • New contract for SCC
    • AGM on 14 December
    • Carers Rights Day 
    • Updates to webpage
    • Age UK Impact Report 
    • Carers Trust feedback
    • Green Homes Grant
    • Free training events
    • Worrying about money
    • Free virtual safety check 
    We're delighted to announce the award of a new contract
    We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Trustees, all our staff and volunteer team and our partners, and all the carers for their fantastic help and support over the years. We're delighted our bid to the Council was successful and we have some exciting plans to continue developing our services to meet the needs of unpaid carers in Sheffield and other challenges that may arise.
    Your invitation to this year's AGM at 2pm on Tuesday 14 December.
    The event will include an overview of the year and Accounts for 2020-21, plus the election of members to the Board of Trustees. There will also be a presentation about the Council's new draft strategy for Adult Social Care, which is a chance to hear about the difference it will make for carers, and to contribute your views on the strategy. Click the image to book your place.
    This year's Carers Rights Day is on Thursday 25 November 2021
    The main aims of this annual campaign is to help carers (1) be aware of their rights (2) know where to get help and support and (3) raise awareness of the needs of carers. Click the image to visit the page on our website with some background to the campaign and information about how we'll be highlighting some of the key Carers Rights during the build up to 25 November

    Information tailored to help carers and those they care for 
    The Covid-19 pandemic has affected people and organisations in many ways. Our aim has been to provide the best service possible while ensuring our carers and staff are as safe as possible. Our Covid-19 webpage is regularly updated with new information about vaccinations, plus help and support for the wellbeing of carers and those they care for. Click the image to visit the webpage.
    The impact of Covid-19 on older people's physical & mental health
    Age UK has published a report on the impact of the pandemic on older people, exploring the effects on their physical and mental health, how they have coped with loneliness and isolation as well as loss, bereavement and grief. The report shines a light on how the pandemic has impacted older people differentially according to the degree of inequality they are experiencing.
    Carers Trust want carers feedback by 25 Nov for a national campaign
    Carers Trust wants carers to help with a survey that will produce important findings on carers' views on the social care system, and the support needed. It closes on 25 November and should take less than 20 minutes to complete. Results from the survey and the Trust's campaign will be launched in mid-January. Please click on the image for details and to give your feedback.
    Green Homes Grant: for local people at risk or experiencing fuel poverty
    The Green Homes Grant is an initiative where Sheffield Council are working to install insulation in privately-owned homes across the city. The scheme will be delivered in partnership with E.ON, and there will be at no cost to participating households, but they can expect a significant reduction in heating costs and carbon emissions. Click the image for more details.
    Disability Sheffield has a series of FREE training sessions
    Disability Sheffield is excited to announce the launch of their 2021-22 extensive FREE quality Training Programme for Individual Employers and Personal Assistants. Click on the image for more details of the courses that will be running up to March next year. This takes you to the Eventbrite page with dates for the 40 courses and the option to book places.
    Leaflet with advice and support if you're worrying about money
    This step by step guide can help you find out where to get help in Sheffield by working through the following sections (1) what is the problem? (2) what are some options? (3) where can I get help? (4) other support. The last two sections have the contact details of various organisations that can help. Click the link on the image to view or download a copy from our website.
    SYFR launches free virtual safety check system for residents
    South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue has launched a brand new system that will allow people across South Yorkshire to get a virtual fire safety check from the comfort of their own homes. All you do is text a number from a mobile, or scan a QR code, then answer a series of questions on things such as smoke alarms and electricals. Use the link for more details on the SYFR website.
    Carers News! is produced by Sheffield Carers Centre which is a registered charity (1041250)
    Our Carer Advice Line is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm on 0114 272 8362
    or you can contact us by emailing:
    You can change how you receive these emails: update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

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Page last updated: Wednesday 24th November 2021 2:15 PM
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