Carers News

  • This month's edition includes news about:

    • Government Guidance
    • Cafe meetings in person
    • Dementia Support Guide
    • Online Support Group
    • SACMHA Support Group
    • Guide for Caregives
    • Lets Get Digital event
    • 'Make Your Move' videos
    • Autism Alert Cards
    • YAS want Carer Feedback
    Guidance for those who provide unpaid care to friends or family
    The Government's guidance was updated on their website on 15 February to reflect the most recent changes made to coronavirus restrictions. These changes include face coverings,  PPE  and testing and is for anyone in England who cares for someone, unpaid. The person could be a friend or family member who can't cope without the carer’s support.
    Our Carers Café has started to meet in person at the city centre venue
    Our popular Carers Café returned to the United Reformed Church in Sheffield city centre last week. The plan is to continue holding in person events at the venue on the second Friday of each month, then have Zoom Café events at 10am on the other Fridays in the month. Use the link for more details as the Café is a great way to meet other carers and have a break from caring.
    New guide of support services for carers of some with dementia
    Sheffield’s Dementia Strategy Implementation Group has produced a very useful 12-page guide packed with details of local support services to help people in Sheffield caring for someone with dementia, memory loss or cognitive impairment. The guide pulls together details from various local organisations and offers ideas to help at home, as well as general sources of support.
    Online carers support group from the Zest community network
    Zest is part of a city-wide network of community organisations working to help local people to improve their health and wellbeing. Use the link for contact details and information about a new online group held at 2-3pm on Fridays to support those who care for people living with Dementia, plus highlight some activities that are suitable for those living with Dementia.
    Carers support group events being held monthly by SACMHA
    SACMHA aims to build connections amongst Black carers and remind them they are doing a great job. Regardless of the situation of the person being cared for, all carers from the African Caribbean community are welcome. Use the link for details of the 'Train Your Brain' event on 21 February aling with other events taking place in March, April and May.
    Guide to help support the carers of people with anxiety
    The guide has been produced in direct response to requests from caregivers and supporters of those with anxiety. It aims to help explain what anxiety is, how it manifests and what you can do (if you find yourself in the position of being a caregiver). Use the link for a copy that also has some tips for carers from people with personal experience of being in this situation.
    FREE half day event for carers and people with learning disabilities
    Sheffield Voices is a local learning Disability and Autism Self Advocacy group. They are holding a FREE event (Lets Get Digital) to help people with learning disabilities, support workers and family who want to get connected. Click on the image for a copy of the leaflet or click here to visit their website for details about the organisation and book a place on this event.
    Group of charities produce videos to help people 'make your move'
    'Make Your Move' is a series of videos that aims to support people to be active at home. They've been developed by a group of charities to help motivate people with health issues to be active in a way that works for them. Use the link to view six videos designed to improve strength, balance, coordination, energy and reduce stress, and are suitable for a variety of activity levels.
    Autism Alert Card developed by National Autism Society and SYP
    South Yorkshire Police’s (SYP) Autism Alert Card is a wallet-sized card designed to help identify the bearer as being on the autistic spectrum. The reverse has names and phone numbers of two people who can be contacted to help them if they are in an urgent or difficult situation. Use the link to visit the National Autistic Society's website for more details and how to apply for a card.
    Yorkshire Ambulance Service wants to hear the experience of carers
    This survey by Yorkshire Ambulance Services (YAS) aims to capture the views of carers across Yorkshire and Humberside who have used their services, whether that is calling 111 or 999 or the Patient Transport Service. The survey is open until 31 March and the feedback will contribute to the work of YAS on improving the experience for carers and contingency planning.
    Carers News! is produced by Sheffield Carers Centre which is a registered charity (1041250)
    Our Carer Advice Line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm on 0114 272 8362
    or you can contact us by emailing:
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Page last updated: Thursday 17th February 2022 9:27 AM
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