This month's edition includes news about:
- More Carer Support Groups
- State of Caring Survey 2021
- Support Social Care Reform
- Reminder of 'Get the Jab'
- The Community Covid Bus
- Carers Outreach Project
- Free 8-week workshops
- Interest in LGBTQ group
- Dementia webpage update
- 'Life after Stroke' webinar
Our website now has details of more Carer Support Groups in Sheffield
We're delighted to report that as the vaccination programme continues to roll out, more carers support groups have started to meet in person and online. All these events provide a great opportunity for carers to meet other carers, share experiences and have a break from caring. Use the link to visit the page on our website with details of when and where the groups meet. |
Have your say on how caring is now and how it could be improved
Last year over 6,000 carers filled in Carers UK surveys about your experiences of caring during the pandemic. This led to successful campaigns such as better guidance, testing for carers, PPE for unpaid carers and 'carers support bubbles' to name a few. Use the link to take part in this new survey which is asking carers to report on what life is like now, and what needs to change. |
Ask your MP to support the social care reform that was promised
The Prime Minister said he would ‘fix social care once and for all’ on his first day in office. To date, millions of older and disabled people who don’t receive the care they need, carers who need better support, and care workers who deserve better pay, are still waiting for action. Use the link for details of how Carers UK have made it easy for carers to ask their MPs to petition the PM. |
Reminder about 'Get the Jab' walk-in clinics for carers and others
Use this link to the news section of the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS website for the latest information of where you can walk in to get your first or second dose Covid-19 vaccination. The web page includes details of the venues, their opening times and the types of vaccinations available at each. Details can change so check on a regular basis for the latest information. |
Sheffield's 'Community Covid Bus' continues to move around the city
Carers can also look out for the Sheffield 'Community Covid Bus' as it continues to visit different locations across the city to help people with testing, vaccinations, support and resources. The team are happy to help with any Covid-19 related queries, and can provide information in different languages or formats. Use the link for a short video (skip the advert) with more details. |
Support groups for unpaid carers of adults with learning disabilities
Sheffield Mencap & Gateway’s vision is that all people with a learning disability and their carers feel valued, included and respected. They want to hear from unpaid carers who are caring for an adult with mild-moderate learning disability or autism who are interested in meeting other carers. Use the link to read their poster or contact the Carers Outreach Team on 0114 276 7757. |
Free series of workshops running from August to October
RISE is a free 8-week self-love development programme tailored for black and mixed African women. Designed to engage, empower and encourage through a series of workshops that examine attitudes, beliefs, prejudices and behaviours about food, weight, body image, physical appearance, health and exercise. Use the link for more details and to apply for a place.
We're looking to start a new support group for LGBTQ carers
One of our carers has asked us about starting a new Support Group for carers from the LGBTQ community. The idea would be to arrange regular online meetings similar to those held for other groups as outlined on the 'groups page' of our website (click the more details link). If you are interested in joining an LGBTQ Carers Group please email |
An updated 'caring for someone with dementia' page on our website
We’ve updated our web page with information about local services to help people with dementia and their carers. It has links to 'BBC podcasts' and a ‘home environment checklist’ with ideas on making the home environment more conducive to the needs a person living with dementia. We'll also shortly be adding a new video 'made by carers wanting to help other carers'. |
An invitation for carers to join this webinar on 'Life after Stroke'
This event is for stroke survivors, families, carers and healthcare professionals. It will explore some of the challenges faced by carers and the impact that caring for a stroke survivor may have on their life. It will also focus on predictors of wellbeing and resilience in carers and showcase good practice examples of carer support. Use the link for more details and to register for a place.