Carers News

This month's edition includes news about:

  • Carers Week 2023
  • Free Workshops for Carers
  • Our Range of Free Activities
  • The Carer's Leave Bill
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Sheffield Dignity Awards
  • Involvement Network
  • Warm Homes Sheffield
The theme is 'Recognising and supporting carers in the community' 
Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities. We're very excited about the events and activities we're planning for the 5-11 June campaign. Use the link to bookmark our webpage that we'll update as our plans are finalised in the coming weeks.
Take a look at the workshops we're holding during the next few weeks
Our next 3 workshops cover the topics of Wills and Power of Attorney (12 May) Moving and Handling for Carers (5 June) Emergency First Aid (12 June). We work in partnership with other organisations to deliver these workshops that are designed to provide practical help and advice for carers. Use the link to visit our website for details of each workshop and how you can book online.
We now have five activities that are held either weekly or monthly
Our range of activities are very popular and a great opportunity to meet other carers and have a break from caring. In addition to the long standing weekly Carer Cafe and Carer Choir, we have a 'Walk and Talk' event plus a 'Sports & Games Social Afternoon' plus our new 'Allotment' activity. Use the link for details of each and how you can book your free place online.
The Carer's Leave Bill has passed the Committee Stage in the Lords  
Sheffield Carers Centre is proud to be one of the many organisations supporting this Bill on its progress to becoming law. Use the link to the Carers UK webpage that explains how the Bill is progressing through the Commons and Lords. The article also highlights the benefits it would provide for 2 million unpaid carers to remain in work alongside their caring responsibilities. 
Learning Disabilities Partnership Board developments for carers 
The Board aims to help make things better for everyone with learning disabilities and their families in Sheffield. This May to June, they are holding elections for people with learning disabilities and unpaid carers to be Board representatives and help make sure the local community has a bigger say. Use the link for details about the Board and how it works.
Dignity Awards help celebrate best practice in social care 
The awards are a way to celebrate outstanding examples of best practice in adult social care and support in Sheffield. The organisers are looking for people who work for Sheffield City Council, a provider organisation or wellbeing project who have gone the extra mile in the last year in supporting people to achieve the outcomes in Sheffield’s Vision for Adult Social Care.
We're delighted to announce the launch of our Involvement Network  
During Carers Week we will be launching the 'Involvement Network' to provide an avenue for individuals and organisations to come together and collaborate around issues they care about, with the goal of creating positive change in their communities and more. Use the link to the new page on our website with details about the initiative and how you can join the network.
Do you need urgent assistance with your bills or your heating? 
Warm Homes Sheffield is a partnership between Sheffield City Council and the energy experts AgilityEco. It provides a route to access a number of energy saving programmes that can help Sheffield residents to reduce their energy use and stay warm and well. Use the link to visit the website where you can find out more about each of the opportunities currently available.
Page last updated: Friday 5th May 2023 5:17 PM
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