This month's edition includes news about:
- Thanks for your support
- Updated Gvt guidance
- Updated recommendations
- Parenting What's On Guide
- Mencap coffee mornings
- Living Well Guide
- Live Lighter programme
- Online Dementia Toolkit
- Steering Group invite
- Lived Experience roles
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all carers in Sheffield
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us during a very challenging 2021; particularly all the carers that faced increased pressures and responsibilities. The Trustees and team send you our best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a brighter 2022. Use the link to our home page where we'll post our opening details the week before Christmas. |
The latest Government guidance for those providing unpaid care
Government guidance continues to be updated as the Covid virus continues to evolve. Use the image link to visit the Government web page that has various sections covering topics such as getting vaccinated, testing for unpaid carers, emergency planning, PPE, maintaining your own health, support for carers, plus information if the person you care for is in a care home. |
Government recommendations for unpaid carers - December updates
Click on the image link to visit the Government web page which also covers a range of topics. This includes what type of PPE to wear and when, changes to the legal requirements, plus infection prevention and control in community and social care settings. You can also click this link to visit our 'website noticeboard' for details of how to access free PPE in Sheffield. |
Free What's On Guide from the Sheffield Parent Hub
Being a parent is amazing, but at times everyone needs practical help and advice. This 14-page booklet provides information about a wide range of seminars, discussion groups and programmes for parents and carers in Sheffield. It also has details of the range of options designed to help people fit the services into their busy schedules, plus contact information to book a place. |
'Coffee Mornings' being held by Sheffield Mencap and Gateway
Sheffield Mencap and Gateway manage the Carers Outreach Project (COPe) which is a programme for carers of people aged 18 and older with a learning difficulty/disability and/or autism. They create opportunities for carers and their cared-for person to meet people and share experiences. Use the link for more information about their Tuesday coffee mornings. |
Free 'Living Well Guide' for details of activities in your area of Sheffield
This comprehensive guide has been produced by Sheffield City Council and ‘People Keeping Well’ partner organisations. Over 60 pages are packed with information of health and wellbeing services and activities, education courses and places to go for advice and support. Click on the link to discover what’s available in your local area by reading or downloading a free copy of the guide. |
Group programme in January to help adults make healthier choices
Live Lighter at Sheffield Mind is a 12-week group programme for adults who want to learn simple ways to make healthier choices, manage their weight and gain confidence. The first groups start on 11th and 14th January and include a range of creative and practical sessions held in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Use the link for more information and contact details. |
'Living with dementia toolkit' to help people with dementia & their carers
This online toolkit is for people with dementia and their carers. This set of resources have been developed in line with research and the expert experiences of people with dementia and their carers. The help in the toolkit is based on the key themes of (1) staying safe and well (2) staying active (3) staying connected (4) keeping a sense of purpose and (5) staying positive. |
Do you want to help make healthier living more accessible?
Disability Sheffield is looking for people with experience of supporting someone with severe mental illness, autism or a learning disability to join a steering group. Members will meet every six weeks and receive training and payment to help shape a project to make leisure facilities and community groups better able to support people with hidden disabilities.
Sheffield HSC paid & volunteer roles for people with 'Lived Experience'
Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Trust is looking for people with lived experience of the support they provide to offer an invaluable insight on what it's like to receive care. The aim is to help them identify areas where improvements could be made. Use the link to visit their website which has full details of the paid and volunteer roles they currently have.