This month's edition includes news about:
- Thanks for your feedback
- 'Get the Jab' walk-in clinics
- The 'Community Covid Bus'
- Update on testing for carers
- Guidance for unpaid carers
- Free PPE for carers
- Support Groups for siblings
- More 'carer support groups'
- Prescription Charges
- Sheffield Dementia Strategy
Check the NHS website for details of 'Get the Jab' walk-in clinics
Use this link to the news section of the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS website for the latest information of where you can walk in to get your first or second dose Covid-19 vaccination. The web page includes details of the venues, their opening times and the types of vaccinations available at each. Details can change so check on a regular basis for the latest information.The 'Community Covid Bus' is on the move around Sheffield
The Sheffield 'Community Covid Bus' has been out and about visiting lots of different locations across the city and helping people with testing, vaccinations, support and resources. The team are happy to help with any Covid-19 related queries, and can provide information in different languages or accessible formats. Use the link to watch a short video with more details.Updated Government guidance on testing for carers
The Government recently updated the guidance about Covid-19 testing for the adult social care workforce and unpaid carers. Use the link below the image to visit their website which has details about how to order test kits, how to take a test and then check the results. You can also click on this link to watch a short video that shows how to prepare and take the test.Updated guidance and information for unpaid carers
Earlier this month, the Government updated the guidance and information for anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who cannot cope without their support. Use the link to visit their website which has all the details. There are also options to translate the guidance into various languages plus you can download booklets in ‘easy read’ and ‘large print’ formatsFree PPE for carers not living in the house of the person they care for
The government has recommended carers who do not live in the same house as the person they care for should use PPE, which is available free for carers in these situations. To get free PPE call 0114 273 5665 and collect the PPE pack (face masks, shields, aprons, gloves and wipes) from the main family centres in the city. Use the link to visit our website for a list of the 7 centresSupport group for adult siblings of people with learning disabilities
Do you have a brother or sister with a lifelong disability? You are not alone. Sibs is the UK charity for brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults. They have a 'Sheffield Support Group' that meets online. You can use the link for more information about the charity, along with the aims of groups and how you can register to attend the Sheffield meetings.More 'carer support groups' meeting online and in person
As the vaccination programme continues, some of our groups have started to meet ‘in person’ whilst adhering to social distance guidelines. All the ‘virtual’ and ‘in person’ meetings provide a chance for carers to meet other carers, share experiences and have a break from caring. Use the link to visit the page on our website with details of when the groups meet.Consultation on changing the age for people to get free prescriptions
The Government has launched a consultation process to seek views from the public, healthcare organisations and professionals on options for implementing a change in the age at which people in England become eligible for free prescriptions, from the current age of 60 to 66. Use the link for more details and to take part in the consultation that ends on 26 August.Thanks to carers for taking part in the survey on 'dementia strategy' Many thanks to the everyone that took part in the recent survey. The feedback from people living with dementia and their carers or family has helped identify what is working well and what else needs to happen. The Dementia Strategy Implementation Group, which manages the strategy, are grateful for the input and you can use the link to read the report.
Carers News! is produced by Sheffield Carers Centre which is a registered charity (1041250)
Our Carer Advice Line is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm on 0114 272 8362
or you can contact us by emailing: support@sheffieldcarers.org.uk
Carers News
Page last updated: Friday 23rd July 2021 4:03 PM