Within our service on 25th July there will be the chance to discuss these proposals and the Church Council will meet afterwards to decide how we proceed having heard any expressed views.
Our primary duty of care as a church is to provide as safe a place as possible for those entering our building.
In his press conference (12th July) the Prime Minister has confirmed that all legal restrictions will be removed from 19th July, although he and his medical/scientific colleagues emphasised that it would be sensible to maintain appropriate precautions, especially as the new Delta variant continues to infect increasing numbers of mainly, but not exclusively, younger people.
In effect, this means that we are allowed to resume all our activities, but we need to agree on when and how to implement this. We also need to agree on what are the appropriate precautions, and for how long they should continue.
The possible precautions include 1) social distancing, 2) sanitising hands, 3) wearing masks, 4) airflow, 5) enhanced cleaning, 6) risk assessments, and 7) contact tracing.
It is recognised that we are unlikely to receive any specific official advice. To a large extent, our decisions will therefore be a matter of personal opinion, which will no doubt vary. Many other organisations face the same situation having worked out their approach. However, we may be able to reach a consensus, or at the least a majority vote, which I think we should accept even if it not in line with our individual preferences. And of course, everyone is completely free whether or not to attend any activity.
Services of Worship
Proposal 1 that we increase the number of groups of chairs in the church, with varying numbers of chairs in a group, and with smaller gaps of at least one metre between them. This would allow people to sit alone or with others as they prefer.
Proposal 2 we ask that people still sanitise their hands and wear masks.
Proposal 3 we allow quiet singing wearing masks.
Proposal 4 we keep the doors open for airflow.
Propoal 5 we maintain the enhanced cleaning, and limits to the use of toilets.
Proposal 6. we continue with track and trace. If there is a Covid case, we contact those who were nearest the individual.
Other church activities
Proposal 7 Leaders of groups are to decide their own guidelines, as they know the nature of the activity and the circumstances of the people involved. If the group has not produced a Risk assessment, they should do so to indicate their awareness of risks and how they will reduce them.
External lettings
Proposal 8 any activity which has not produced a risk assessment should do so to indicate their awareness of risks and how they will reduce them.
To continue to ask that they clean after their activity including the toilets.
Other issues and the longer term
Whilst we cannot insist on compliance, we are a community of grace and want to make our building as safe as possible with these proposals.
It is important to remember that if you are feeling unwell, you should not attend church, as you may be carrying the virus, which post vaccination, manifests itself in lots of mild ways. Please make use of lateral flow tests for your own reassurance and that of others.
We will continue to monitor guidelines and events to inform future decisions.
As always, being able to hold face to face worship each week is dependent on having enough people to fill all the necessary roles.