Letters from Tim

Dear Friends,

I never cease to be amazed at how relevant the Christmas story is. Each of the Gospel writers have their own take on it.

Mark’s Christmas story is ‘The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God’. (Mark 1:1) That’s it. A statement, an announcement of God expressing love to the world. The writer expects the reader to read on to discover more.

John paints a broad canvas. Linking the creation and the universe with God’s purposes in Jesus, the ‘light shining in the darkness’ (John 1:5).

Luke and Matthew give us the familiar characters of the shepherds and wise men, but alas, no donkey. There are other props too: the star, angels, manger, but what about any mention of the innkeeper, a stable, ox or ass?

Of course we use our imaginations. All the carols, both ancient and new, pick up on the aspects of the story which are mentioned and inferred. Thus we are reminded of the story in our worship. But the story comes to life in its gritty reality which reflects many aspects of everyday living for many in our world today.

Those who are driven from their homes and places of work, because of a government policy or a pandemic. Those whose home is a shop doorway on the streets without shelter and comfort.  Those who flee their homeland because of political instability, war or famine. Those who rely on the generosity of others to keep supplying the foodbanks with food and other essential items. For all of us facing global warming.

To these and all of us, God comes and is with us. God comes and is for us. God comes and shows us the way of hope and light and peace. The challenge and invitation of Christmas is how we respond in our everyday living.



Page last updated: Friday 11th December 2020 2:38 PM
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