Dear Friends,
This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week.
This is the most sacred week for followers of Jesus. Within the space of a few days, Jesus goes from the height of his popularity when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey; to the depths of failure and ridicule on a cross. Between those events, we see humanity at its best and at its worst, and in the midst of it all God, in Jesus, shows us the nature of true love, taking our hatred, fears and prejudices, absorbing them in his self-giving and letting go of life.
After the hurried burial on Good Friday, there comes the day of emptiness, grief, helplessness and despair – Holy Saturday. Then quietly, in the new light of the dawn, the rumours of resurrection begin to seep out. Nothing can stop them; like plants growing through concrete and cracking it open, the Risen Jesus changes history and the revolution begins.
There are so many ups and down in the week - like a rollercoaster. We can hold on tightly, as we are transported through the many responses to Jesus as he walks towards his destiny. There were opportunities to make different choices and decisions, but the way of love was the only way for Jesus. Even his closest friends abandoned him, because it was only Jesus who could walk that path.
Do please re-read the Holy Week stories all the way through. Picture yourself as one of the characters and look through their eyes and their understanding. Perhaps repeat this but from a different character’s perspective. What speaks to you? How do you feel?
To help us in this week, there will be an opportunity to gather on Maundy Thursday evening by zoom (the link is below) when we will share the story of the upper room experience of the Last Supper and relive it symbolically. And then on the morning of Good Friday there will be a chance to mark the day again by zoom (the link is below).
Then we will be ready to meet and greet the risen Jesus on Easter Day.
Link for Maundy Thursday 7.30pm and/or Good Friday 10.30am
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