Letters from Tim

Dear Friends,

There are a few things to highlight this week.

As usual we have done really well with raising funds for Christian Aid as our church project over nearly two years. We have nearly reached the target of £5000, and would have easily done it if it were not for Lockdown. We agreed at Church Council that we would ask people to contribute now to meet the shortfall, and that we would make up any difference with a loan from church funds, which we can raise funds for when we can do so. Don’t forget that this money will be match funded to make it up to £30,000.

Foodbanks are vital to so many in these days. As church is shut at the moment it is hard to drop donations off. If you would please continue to buy things when you do your shopping for the foodbanks, if you gather them together and contact one of the leadership team we can arrange to pick them up from you.

I know that many appreciated the service from Bents Green last week, I will send the link to the services each week, although they may not be as inclusive as the last one.

We are planning to decorate the Church when we are permitted back in. We are planning a ‘carol’ service on 20th December, even if we cannot sing. Planning is under way for a ‘Nativitingle’ on Christmas Eve. This is a mix between a Nativity and Christingle. At the moment we hope to have a service on Christmas Morning, but it is of course dependent on having offers to steward. But we have decided not to have a service on 27th December.

I have ordered some pre-prepared communion cups.  These come with a wafer and wine in a sealed packet (a little like the single portion UHT milk cartons). We hope to do a Covenant service in January which will include communion. 

We have heard the sad news that Ken Watson died over the weekend, we have no details of any service yet.

We are going to have another general zoom gathering on 15th November at 4pm

the link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89436174894?pwd=VjR0amZObzIwUXZySkpuNHkzOTFzUT09

Meeting ID: 894 3617 4894   Passcode: 508556

I hope to see you then.

As you see we are learning all the time how to adapt and manage things. If you have any comments about our worship experiences so far do please let me know.

Do please keep safe, keep in touch with each other.



Page last updated: Wednesday 11th November 2020 5:50 PM
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