Dear friends,
As a church leadership team we want to let you know about the process and timetable for finding new ministers in the Methodist Church. The Circuit Stewards are responsible for drawing up profiles for any new appointment in consultation with the local churches. This has to happen by August so that the Circuit can discern where, and in what way, new appointments are sought across the churches.
So it is important that we make it clear what sort of church we are, where we are in our journey of faith together, how we reach out to others in mission, what our strengths are and what challenges we face.
This is all against the background of re-emerging from a pandemic and the all the uncertainties that involves. As you will see below, the Circuit is moving towards a group, or team approach to placing ministers and how they will work. Details are still being looked at, but ministers will work more closely with colleagues in the local area, covering a number of congregations.
The Circuit Stewards have written to us saying:
‘Stationing has not been straight forward for many years now. The number of presbyters available across the Connexion is steadily diminishing causing circuits to radically re-think the role of the minister and the provision of pastoral care for all members. Replacing like for like is no longer the normal stationing option for circuits nationwide. Many appointments do not get filled through the stationing process and the decision was taken last year by the Circuit Leadership Team (CLT) that we move to a pattern of group ministry. This will address one of the CLT’s priorities which is that every congregation should have a named minister.
To help us prepare Profiles for 2022 appointments we should be grateful if you would ask members of your leadership team to give us some information about your congregation. For example, types of worship, times of worship, prayer groups, house groups, outreach activities, community involvement, youth and children’s work etc. This will give us an up-to-date picture of your church.
We would also appreciate your giving some thought to the questions below.
 Does your congregation rely heavily on your minister for the working out of its mission?
 What do you see as vital parts of a minister’s role?
 What are the positive aspects of your congregation being part of a group within the circuit and having designated ministers, lay workers and circuit stewards?
As a Leadership team at Banner Cross, we invite any of your insights or comments to be shared with us by 20th June, to enable us to give feedback which reflects Banner Cross to the Circuit Stewards.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Banner Cross Leadership team
Hazel Harrison, Paula Jones, Christine Rowe, Janet Southgate, Sean Ashton