Letters from Tim

Sharing God’s Love

Showing God’s Truth

Serving God’s People





Dear Friends,

This is a letter about the finances of Banner Cross Church.

Over the years we have been in the fortunate position of not having to be too concerned about finance. As a result, we have a good suite of premises which are well maintained and used by the community.  Hiring the premises has been a healthy income. So, when we have wanted to do things to the building, we have been able to do so.

During the pandemic our finances have been precarious, with a huge loss of income from lettings. We have also enhanced our worship area with improved AV equipment and platform.

The sale of the schoolroom, has reduced our liabilities on an old, rarely used structure. The proceeds of sale are held by the Circuit on our behalf for the next 4 and a half years. Getting access to this is proving very cumbersome, but it should be able to resource any redevelopment of the green space at the front of the church.

We are aware that our boilers are giving cause for concern and could need replacing soon. The recent quinquennial inspection of the property also indicates areas of expenditure. The cost of utilities is rising steeply. Currently, we spend about £700 per month on gas and electricity, and this is before the promised increases are introduced.

Due to our serious cash flow challenges we have had to reduce our contribution to the life of the Circuit, until we can afford to pay more.

We have increased the rates we receive for lettings and we are having to be careful about any spending on the building.

In the light of all this, the Church Council asks all of us to review our giving to the church. Our weekly giving is a vital part of our income. Your generosity in the giving of your time and gifts and money all come together to help make our church a community of gracious hospitality and from which we serve the wider community.

When did you last review your giving? Are you a tax payer? If so, we can get an extra 25% from the inland revenue if you agree to gift aid (please contact Tim Wilson about Gift Aid).

If you have any questions about all of this please contact one of the Property and Finance group (Gen Ashton, Janet Southgate, Paula Jones, Phil Brown, or Sylvia Runciman.).

Many thanks for all you are doing to build up the life of the church at Banner Cross.



 Registered Charity No. 1129686

The Rev. Tim Crome BA

12 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield S11 9PE

Office: 0114 4389012                     Mobile: 077Banner Cross Logo57703993        e-mail:tim47crome@msn.com

Page last updated: Tuesday 5th April 2022 4:59 PM
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