Dear Friends,
Many thanks to those who helped to make our church meeting last Sunday a good open and honest sharing of views. I summarise the
proposals and decisions made by the Church Council:
In our Services of Worship
It was agreed that we increase the numbers of chairs, that we continue to sanitise our hands and wear masks. While wearing masks we can sing quietly. We will maintain ventilation, but do not need to clean the chairs after use. We will ask our user groups whether they need more toilets available. We will continue to do track and trace.
Other Church Activities
It was agreed that group organisers are best placed to decide how their group can operate. They should indicate their awareness of risk for their group and those attending.
External lettings
It was agreed that any group which has not produced a Risk Assessment should do so to indicate its awareness of risks and how they will reduce them. To continue to ask that groups clean after the activity, including the toilets.
Other Issues Mentioned by Church Council Members
We will continue to monitor changes to guidelines and events to inform our future decisions.
One priority is how we can mix and chat engage more freely, especially with refreshments.
An interim suggestion is that we bring flasks of coffee/tea to drink after the service on chairs on the church drive. We are encouraged to do so from next week 1st August.
In the meantime, the implications and practicalities of refreshments in church can be explored.