Sunday 15 August 2021
This short act of worship has been prepared for you to use whilst we are unable to use Methodist Church premises. We invite you to spend a few moments with God, knowing that other people are sharing this act of worship with you.
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, you are the Bread of Life. As we worship today let us receive you and be renewed by you. Amen.
Hymn: Jesus, the joy of loving heart (Singing the Faith 365)
Sing/ Read /pray /proclaim the words or listen to it here
Jesu, the joy of loving hearts,
the fount of life and light of all;
from the best bliss that earth imparts
we turn unfilled to heed your call.
Your truth unchanged has ever stood;
you save all those who on you call;
to those that seek you, you are good,
to those that find you, all in all.
We taste of you, the living bread,
and long to feast upon you still;
we drink of you, the fountain-head,
our thirsty souls from you we fill.
Our restless spirits long to be
with you, where'er our lot is cast,
glad when your gracious smile we see,
blest when our faith can hold you fast.
O Jesus, ever with us stay;
make all our moments calm and bright;
chase the dark night of sin away;
shed on the world your holy light.
Ray Palmer (1808-1887) (alt.)
Let us pray together
Lord, the eyes of all look to you in hope; and you give them what they need.
You open your hand and satisfy the hunger and thirst of every living thing.
We, too, turn to you again, longing to be filled— to eat of the Bread of Life,
to drink from your life-giving streams, to taste your goodness and live.
May the time we spend together in your presence nourish our hearts and minds;
may it strengthen our relationship with you, and renew our commitment to live in this world as your faithful disciples.
For you alone are God, the Source and Sustainer of life. Forgive us when we rely on our own strength and wonder why we struggle. Renew us and feed us.
Our God is a gracious forgiving God. Jesus tells us we can start again. Our sins are forgiven. Thanks be to God.
Today’s Reading from the Old Testament Ephesians 5: 15-20
Today’s Gospel Reading: John 6: 51–58
Time to Reflect
How good is it to eat a slice of a freshly baked loaf of bread? How good is it to have a treat and buy a lovely filled sandwich from a delicatessen. We have a favourite one in Harrogate I need no excuse to pass. I am satisfied after partaking of the bread.
The day before our passage today, on the far shore of the lake, Jesus had fed over five thousand people by multiplying five loaves and two fish. They now gather round him again, looking for more. They expected more free and satisfying food. They did not expect a deep sermon! He tells them that such food cannot last, just like the manna from heaven that Moses gave their ancestors in the desert.
The true bread which he now offers is his own flesh. Some, of them were horrified. Many of his followers, indeed, were to leave him on hearing this.
Peter and the Twelve, however, remained faithful. They were with him at the Last Supper when he again took some bread, blessed it and gave it to them, saying ‘Take it, and eat it, this is my body.’ This is my body. Similarly with the wine. They knew that “eating of him” meant receiving his goodness as a healthy and satisfying spiritual gift.
Bread nourishes us, so Jesus uses that term to describe himself. But ‘living’ bread is an attempt to reveal more deeply how profoundly he nourishes us. He offers us a relationship in which we can ‘abide’ in security. We need that life-giving relationship more than ever today in an unhealthy world. By taking of him, we can live for ever.
Take a time to sit quietly
A time of prayer
For our world and its pain and uncertainty, Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For our nation, our Queen and our government, Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For the city, town or village in which we live, and those who serve us in body, mind and spirit, Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
On those who are frightened, unwell, alone, or overwhelmed. On our church, on other churches we share with and the Church throughout the world, Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
For each of us, right now, longing for bread in our hunger, Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father ……
Hymn: Listen to Bread is blessed and broken (Singing the Faith 576)
or sing a verse of a hymn that comes to mind
Bread is blessed and broken,
wine is blessed and poured:
take this and remember
Christ the Lord.
Share the food of heaven
earth can not afford.
Here is grace in essence --
Christ the Lord.
Know yourself forgiven,
find yourself restored,
meet a friend for ever --
Christ the Lord.
God has kept his promise
sealed by sign and word:
here, for those who want him --
Christ the Lord.
John L. Bell (b. 1949) and Graham Maule (b. 1958)
A prayer of blessing
May God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer, go with us now. May God’s Spirit be on us, on those we love, and on those for who we should pray, this day and always.
Original Materials by Rev. Ian Pruden
Hymns reproduced under CCLi 1144191. 3382 / 761
Local Churches please insert CCCLi No here
We are grateful to all the Ministers and Local Preachers from around the Connexion who have contributed to Worship at Home. This resource is administrated by Ministries: Vocations and Worship in the Connexional Team. We aim to continue to provide these resources until the end of August 2021.